Thursday, April 3, 2008

Drunken Hobos

So everyone that knows me, knows that Steve and I recently moved from a less than desirable neighborhood to one that is known far and wide for it loveliness. Our neighborhood was so questionable, that I waited to begin the running thing until we moved two weeks ago. Not to say that the swat team isn't going to bust down a drug house two doors down here, but like my friend Dave said, if it does happen, it is so wooded here that we will never know.

Anyway....I'm trotting along, I just pass the random wooden covered bridge on the trail (because that's what towns with too much tax money put on their bike trails) and I see a drunken hobo that can barely stand up, drinking out of a paper bag. My first thought was wondering if he hopped in the uhaul when we moved and came with us, my second was wondering what he had in the bottle and if it would make my shins feel better. He actually seemed pretty nice; if I see him again I'll ask his name.

There is something else that I've been curious about lately. Maybe there is a skinny runner out there that may have the answer. Is it only because I'm chubby that random strangers offer words of encouragement when I'm out there? I get lots of "good job, good job" and "keep it up, you're doing good". Its never occurred to me to ever say something to someone that looks like they have the running thing under control. Maybe I should though. It kind of makes me feel good.

**Update: My sister, who is known as "Little Jill", said that she gets the words of encouragement too. Apparently people are just friendlier than I thought.

1 comment:

Justin Buist said...

Is it only because I'm chubby that random strangers offer words of encouragement when I'm out there?

When you're running around other runners it's not uncommon. I used to get that too.

Around non-runners, while running around town, "GET A LIFE, DORK!" was way more common.

Count yourself lucky. :)